Weight Loss Hcg drops Review


Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to get a Buff, Vegetarian Bod

Many people have a lot of preconceived notions about a vegetarian diet and envision vegetarians as weak, tired, pale, and sickly looking. But that is NOT the case if you eat the right foods.
 Kardena Pauza, a vegetarian nutrition expert and personal trainer,  has conceived an amazing vegetarian diet that will double your physical and mental energy and will melt the pounds right off of you.  Since transforming her life by adopting a meat-free diet, she`s been passionate about helping others attain their ultimate health and body shape. Craig Ballantyne at right is the perfect example of what a buff vegetarian body looks like.
The Easy Veggie Meals Plans she has developed will help you live and love the vegetarian lifestyle and prevent you from making the same eating mistakes that keep many vegetarians from attaining their ultimate shape and health. The most important rule of any diet is the absolute necessary presence of protein in our body. Body builders, strength trainers and anyone with the desire for their best body ever will not be disappointed with this diet.

One of the main factors that sets Kardena`s vegetarian diet apart is the amount of protein in her diet. Her meal plans typically include 20 or more grams of protein per meal: breakfast, snacks, lunch, and supper for a total of over 100 grams of protein per day.
Her meal plans include most of the top 10 protein sources for vegans. Click here for the Top 10 vegan protein sources. Seitan, which resembles meat in taste and texture, takes an important role in this amazing vegetarian diet. Edamame is another excellent source of vegan protein that is highlighted in Easy Veggie Meal Plansh.  Lentils and black beans will feed and nourish your body and make you savour each and every delicious meal. Veggie burgers is another element of this diet that will keep you satisfied all day long. 

You won`t miss the taste of meat with this vegetarian diet since so many of the high protein foods in this diet such as ``turkey`` and ``salami`` deli slices will keep you full and satisfy your taste buds. Chickpeas will also help transform your body. You will never feel hungry on this high energy vegetarian diet.

This simple high energy diet meal plan will help you build the body of your dreams. You’ll no longer feel sluggish or tired after eating big heavy meals. You won’t fall asleep at your desk. You won’t be a zombie at work or at home when your kids want to play.  And best of all, the body fat will just melt right off of you thanks to your new diet. Try a 7 day sampler of this fat trimming, cruelty free diet here: FREE EASY VEGGIE MEAL SAMPLER

Top 10 Protein Sources for Vegans

Number 1: Tempeh is the winner for top vegan protein, topping the chart at 41grams. What exactly is tempeh you ask?  Tempeh is made from soya beans just like tofu, but the beans are fermented much like cheese to create a totally different, chewier texture than tofu. Many people who are not big tofu fans love tempeh. You can use it for burgers, chilli, fajitas, barbecued shish kabobs,  soups, sloppy joes, to name a few and it makes a mean  vegetarian bacon.  (Check out Isa Chandra`s Vegan with a Vengeance cookbook for the bacon recipe)

Number 2: Seitan: also known as wheat meat or wheat gluten. Even though it comes from wheat, it is not a carb, it`s a protein. It contains 31 grams per 3 oz!  It resembles meat in look and can be made to taste like all kinds of meats, fish and seafood. The texture varies if it is baked, boiled or reheated in the microwave.  The Seitan you can buy in airtight bags in the fridge section of health food stores is awesome however not available in small communities. To make your own is very easy, simply follow the instructions from teacher Sarah Kramer: http://www.vegfamily.com/vegan-cooking-tips/seitan.htm

Number 3: Soya Beans are next up for most protein in a vegan food source. They have 29 grams in one cup. You can buy them dry if you don`t mind soaking and cooking them for many hours but it`s so much easier to buy them pre-cooked in a can or as frozen baby soya beans AKA. Edamame They are good as a snack or can be used in recipes in place of peas; you can make a delicious Edamame hummus. See Sarah Kramer`s Vegetarian a Go Go for that hummus recipe.

Number 4: Lentils are the most practical, quick cooking and versatile bean. It helps that they are also delicious and contain lots of protein 18 grams per cup. Tons and tons of recipes are out there for lentils. Indian food features many meals based around lentils such as Dal, in soups as well as combined with vegetables in an aromatic sauce. You can buy the red lentils for quickest cooking, green ones for a meatier taste such as in Sheppard`s Pie. There are also the types of lentils you can buy in cans which are the green ones already cooked for you. Mash them up to make burgers or ``meat loaves`` See  The Conscious Cook  by Tal Ronnen for amazing meat-like healthy recipes

Number 5: Black Beans At 15 grams per cup, black beans are a popular favourite in Mexican and Latin American food. From fajitas to Quesadillas to tacos, soups and salads, black beans  are easy to integrate in a low fat vegan diet. Easiest to buy they pre-cooked for you in a can but make sure to rinse them off before use. See Easy Veggie Meal Plans  for a variety of high protein meal plans. Get a full week of recipes for Free.

Number 6: Kidney Beans and Veggie Burgers While kidney beans are most popular in chilli, they are also delicious mashed up and made into burgers. Veggie burgers are an awesome source of protein and are available in the great majority of restaurants nowadays. In fact, in many restaurants, it`s the only vegan meal available, good thing most of them are absolutely delicious. And you’ll feel full after since you’ll be ingesting 15 or more grams of protein per burger. Easy Veggie Meal Plans recommends the best veggie burger patties to buy in the 7 day Free Meal plans. Get it here.

Number 7: Veggie Deli Slices These are so delicious, portable and tasty while packing in 15 grams per 4 slices which are really easy on the taste buds. From turkey taste to salami, pepperoni, deli slices to Montreal smoked meat in low fat cruelty free options. Available in all grocery stores in the produce aisle.
Number 8: Chick peas Ooh how I love my chick peas! Especially when made into hummus which is a delicious veggie dip and also great wrapped in tortillas for a high protein meal or snack. At 12 grams per cup, these tasty beans are very flexible and can be found plentifully in Lebanese cuisine such as in falafels, roasted whole or in pâtés. Chick peas are also delicious in salads, in soups, loaves and can be made into tasty chickenless chicken salad. Get great chick pea recipes in Alicia Silverstone`s The Kind Diet.

Number 9: Baked Beans and Pinto Beans Quick lunch when combined with veggie hot dogs, a portion of canned baked beans (the tomato sauce and maple syrup type are vegan) will add up to 22 grams of protein! The beans contain 12 grams of protein per cup.  Pinto beans are popular in chillis, burritos and spicy Latino food.

Number 10: Tofu and tofu products Tofu is THE most versatile vegetarian food.  In my opinion, tofu does not get half the respect it deserves.  Containing a significant amount of calcium, iron and 10 grams of protein, tofu is worth experimenting with. From tofu steaks to tofu shish kabobs, chickenless salad to loaves, burgers and nuggets, the list of delicious meals that can be made with tofu is endless. Get great tofu recipes in Vegan Comfort Food by Alicia Simpson.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Review of Easy Veggie Meal Plans

"You won't get enough protein on a vegetarian diet", or so they say. Well, I tested that theory out first hand. You see, I am a weight training enthusiast and for the longest time I subscribed to the pro-meat eating ideology. In fact, my friends often made fun of me for all my protein shakes and chicken breasts that I would regularly consume like clockwork.

Well that all changed when one day I took a bite out of a raw hamburger and became so violently ill that once I finally managed to recover I was so turned off by meat that I began searching for a healthy vegetarian diet solution.
The problem, however, was in finding vegetarian meals that met my stringent criteria; healthy, protein-filled, easy to prepare, and most importantly tasty.
I'm not sure what your experience has been with vegetarians, but I've come across many in my time and a large number of them don't have the body type that I would categorize as fit.
So, when I finally came across Kardena Pauza's Easy Veggie Meal Plans, my interest was definitely peaked. Everything that I was looking for in a vegetarian diet she had put together in a 90 day program. I had to try it.
I would be lying, however, if I didn't admit that I was a little nervous about having a shortage of protein in my diet. After all, protein is the staple of any weight trainer's diet, right?
But, I was totally shocked. After 30 days on Easy Veggie Meal Plans I noticed that I had so much more energy, making my workouts that much more effective. But, perhaps the most valuable lesson I learned was just how much protein you actually need in your diet. I read Pauza's theory regarding protein consumption and then I went out and proved it.
So, I discovered that I didn't need as much protein in my diet and I was feeling more alert and vibrant, but what about meal preparation? Because if the meals outlined in the Easy Veggie Meal Plans were going to take forever to prepare, then they just weren't going to fit in with my lifestyle.
Well, to my surprise, a majority of the meals I could easily make in about ten to fifteen minutes. As busy as I am, I've got 15 minutes to put together a meal, and these aren't just your regular "fast food" meals. They are deliciously protein-packed, nutrient-rich meals. I was on to something here.
Another Thing I Liked:
It's not uncommon when switching over to a vegetarian diet to run into people who are misinformed about this type of lifestyle. So, scepticism and veggie diet bashing are fairly prevalent, but as a bonus Pauza includes a "Defend Your Diet" coaching call where she explains how to fend off the veggie haters of the world. This was the perfect compliment to the program because now I could confidently and informatively educate my friends and family. Who knows, maybe even convert them!
So there you have it. If you're looking for a deliciously healthy, protein-filled, and easy-to-prepare vegetarian option, then pick up a copy of Kardena Pauza's Easy Veggie Meal Plans. Your body will thank you!