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Friday, January 27, 2012

Better in Bed on a Vegan Diet


from: http://www.ecorazzi.com/2012/01/21/jason-mraz-is-stronger-and-better-in-bed-o...

Singer Jason Mraz has long been aware of the benefits of veggies in his diet. How could he not? The man lives on an avocado farm. Now, for the last four months, the singer has been strictly putting plant based foods into his body, and the result has been nothing short of amazing. Mraz writes on his blog, “I’ve also been on a pretty strict plant-based diet for 4 months now – feeling stronger, fitter, healthier and more productive. I ride longer distances on my bike, can do more pull-ups than ever, and my brain seems to have a larger capacity for new projects, problem solving, songwriting, and fielding random questions. My health and strength make me a better performer and all that combined gives me more confidence to go out in the world and shine my light. It also makes me a lot better in bed. Just sayin…” Yep. He said it. Better in bed. If you want to be stronger, fitter, healthier and a better lover, Mraz recommends the following resources to get your vegan on. “For those curious or concerned about a plant-based diet, check out the film Forks Over Knives. It’s a life changer. You can get all the protein you need from greens, quinoa, and hemp seed. I also supplement my diet with multiple servings of Warrior Food by HealthForce.com. But that’s just how I roll.” Go investigate. Apparently, your romantic partner will thank you.

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