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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Many Varieties of Vegetarianism


Contemplating a vegetarian diet but not sure where to start? This article talks about the types of vegetarians and leads to resources to really help get you started. Here's an excerpt of the article :

Many people start off by being flexitarian which means that they forgo meat a few times a week without commiting to a full fledged vegetarian diet right away. Then you can progress to being pescetarian, meaning that you don`t eat birds or animals except for fish and seafood.

Being Lacto Ovo vegetarian is the next natural progression where you eat no animals, birds or fish but do eat dairy products and eggs. Finally, being vegan is the ultimate in being vegetarian where you eat nothing that used to have a face, plus, no product of an animal. Vegans protect animals from any abuse through their eating choices and in so doing also protect the environment and their health. So, you see, you can take this going vegetarian as gradually or as quickly as you are comfortable with.

There is no pressure to being fully vegan straight away. Any efforts on your part will make a difference in your health, the well being of animals and the health of the environment.

To read the full article and access the resources go to

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