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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lady Gaga in A Lettuce Dress?


from: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/entertainment/confidential/will-lady-gaga-swap-me...

LADY Gaga was asked to replace her infamous meat dress with a lettuce frock during her visit to India, to honor the country's vegetarian majority.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in India sent a letter to the singer requesting she trade in her carnivorous creation during her stay in the predominantly Hindu nation.

"Considering meat's monstrous impact on our health and the environment ... PETA India asked Mother Monster to show her fans that even just reducing the amount of meat they eat (or wear) can help," the group said in a blog posting.

The leafy, full-length dress would be held together by pins and threads. A wardrobe assistant would also tag along to continually spray the dress with water to prevent it from wilting.

Lady Gaga is in India over the weekend, where she will be performing at a celebration for India's first Formula One race on Saturday.

The 25-year-old Grammy winner has yet to say if she is up for the challenge. The pop diva stunned fans with her hand-sewn meat dress at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards last September -- flaunting the bizarre design on stage when she accepted the Best Video of the Year award for Bad Romance.

The garment, made primarily from rib meat and flank steak, was designed by Franc Fernandez and stylist Nicola Formichetti. The popular dress went on display this June at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland. It was kept in a case with canisters to control humidity, in addition to canisters that soaked up glutens to keep the dress from spoiling, the museum's chief curator Jim Henke said.

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