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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Almond Ginger Bites & The Vegan Crusader


If you could judge a person by what they ate, Lisa Pitman would stand out as someone who ate extremely healthy.

She’s got glowing skin, is extremely fit and there’s a smile of contentment on her face.Being a vegan and eating a diet high on plants, fruits and vegetables and completely devoid of processed foods, might sound well nigh impossible but it sure has its benefits!

A vegetarian since the age of six, Lisa became a vegan quite early owing to her body’s inability to digest animal proteins. But that decision — to eliminate animal foods — she says “changed her life.” “I was full of energy and the daily stomach aches disappeared,” she says.

Lisa’s continued interest in veganism saw her becoming an ethical vegan when she turned 16. A full-time social worker, Lisa holds a Raw Chef certificate and dabbles in cooking demos, creating food-based outreach events and contributing recipes for One Green Planet and the Toronto Vegetarian Association.

Excerpts from an interview with DNA…

Tell us how difficult is it to be a vegan in this fast-food, instant-food, convenient culture of ours?

There is nothing faster than peeling or washing a piece of fruit. If you surround yourself with healthy food options it is easy to eat well, even when you’re in a hurry. Instead of heading to a fast-food restaurant, pull into a grocery store or market and stock up on fruit, nuts, and veggies. You can enjoy a great meal in an instant.

On any given day, what does your diet look like...?

I typically enjoy a thick, creamy fruit-filled smoothie first thing in the morning. For snacks, I usually reach for veggies and a spicy dip, fresh fruit or a handful of nuts.

My favourite meals are huge salads full of delicious greens, sweet fruit, a creamy dressing and something crunchy like pumpkin or sesame seeds.

At the end of the day I tend to like a little something sweet, I make my own raw cookies from dates, cinnamon, raisins and almonds that always satisfy me.

I really enjoy simple food, but when it comes to entertaining it is easy to make elaborate raw, vegan dishes that will truly impress. I never have a hard time filling a dinner party.

It’s evident that your diet definitely has done a lot of good physically, what with the glowing skin and all! But in what other intangible ways has it personally helped you....?

I am amazed by how much energy I have to take on a full-time job, train for half-marathons, volunteer with multiple organisations, write a blog and test recipes for cookbooks. I couldn’t do it all without eating a diet that provides me with fantastic fuel.

You must be getting asked this all the time, but can you list out reasons why one should contemplate going vegan?

There are so many reasons to go vegan. It can help you to: prevent and reverse disease, live a longer and healthier life, contribute to improving the lives of animals and even protect the planet.

Dietitians would argue that being a vegan might rob the body of some essential nutrients it needs. Your take on this?

The dieticians that I know would strongly disagree. In Canada, the Dietetic Association has issued a formal statement that eating a vegan diet is healthy for people in all stages of life.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by being an ethical vegan?

For me, veganism is about more than just food, it is about making compassionate choices for the way I live in the world. Beyond enjoying a plant-based diet I also avoid using animal products in my clothing, cosmetics and cleaning products. I make the best choices I can to reduce harm and exploitation.

Raw chef... sounds like an oxymoron. But, seriously, can you elaborate on this concept? Also, why is it good for our bodies?

Raw cuisine is a growing food trend. There are many restaurants around the world that serve exclusively gourmet raw foods. Customers are always amazed by the vibrant flavours of raw foods.

People often remark on how they leave after a raw meal feeling satisfied and surprisingly full of energy. After most big meals people feel tired and lethargic, after a great raw meal people feel ready to take on the day.

What is that one healthy eating habit you would suggest our readers take up... and why?

Eat more greens. I add greens to everything — salads, sandwiches, soups, curries and even smoothies. Greens are packed full of nutrients. Studies have even shown that people who eat a diet rich in greens have a noticeable healthful glow.

From Lisa’s cookbook
For the inquisitive and the health-conscious,
here’s a raw snack recipe that you can try at home:

Almond ginger bites
You need 1/2 cup almonds
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup pecan nuts or cashews
1/2tsp ground ginger (dried)
1/2 cup of dates, pitted
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut or sesame seeds

Here’s how
1. In a food processor, combine the nuts and ground ginger. Pulse into a fine meal 2. Add the almond butter and the dates and pulse until well combined
3. Roll into 1inch balls
4. Add the sesame seeds or shredded coconut into a small bowl
5. Roll each ball in the bowl to coat with sesame seeds or coconut.

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